Evenimente Clubbing: Camil @ Green Hours


Green Hours 22 Jazz Cafe

It’s that time of the year again. Red time. Trouble. Presents, parents, pork & sock, coniferous ecological disasters.

That being said, CAMIL is gracious enough to SHAKE SAUVAGE us into a particular fusion of kraut, dub & annihilating beats + adult oriented trax served at room temperature. It all comes packed with a naughty gift for your mom (just perfect 4 toilet reading): the all-new festive issue of the ignoble mag TATA+TATA ti…tled "I Have an Issue with Xmas". http://tatasitata.com/

Green Hours’ underground went through some intense changes this autumn. Now it’s bigger, better, simpler, very much into making the smooth transition from jazz & theatre during the day to electronica & dance during the night. Camil is the one to open this new space for the Bukkarest aficionados on the holy night of baby Hesus.

He enters stage after MARIA RADUCANU’s live concert – jazz carols that make New York shiver: www.tzadik.com/volume.php?VolumeID=622 +

10 lei artist charge (1 maslina & 1 atentie included)
3,99 lei TATA+TATA no.7 (limited edition of 100)
Free entrance for Maria Raducanu’s concert attendees
& for T+T contributors; 18+


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